Does your cupboard have a rack of clothes that you used to wear once upon a time? These garments don't fit you anymore but you still retain them in the fond hope of wearing them once again - after you have shed those extra kilos that have found their way uncannily onto the hip region - the place from where it is most difficult to reduce the flab!!
Oh well, I have such a shelf too and once in a while I love rummaging through these clothes - the dark blue pair of jeans that I used to wear in college, the light blue pair that I bought using my first stipend, the skirt that I wore during that memorable New Year's party...the list goes on. Every time I check to see if I can squeeze into those, I end up letting out a loud groan and a pitiable sigh and then fervently hope that things will look up by the next cleaning session.
But today, when I was doing the wardrobe cleaning, I was in for a lovely surprise! I was able to get into the blue jeans that I'd bought using my stipend. I was super thrilled! The slight difficulty that I faced while buttoning up did not dampen my spirits. I had finally inched my way to the long cherished dream! YES, I had to share the good news! My daughter was watching TV (as usual) and I proudly announced to her the background of the jeans and my being able to fit into them now. She heard me out and I was waiting for her to congratulate me on my super human effort. She raised her eyebrows and commented "Oh, you were so fat even then!!"
There, that did it - my bubble of happiness and pride burst instantly!! In the light of my daughter's rather caustic remark, I started having second thoughts about my 'so called' achievement. But not for long - the happiness at being able to fit into the old pair of pants engulfed me again and left me with a smile on my lips! Hurray!