Squeaky, Holmes and SJ - the 3 'MusCATeers'! |
Continuing from my earlier post about the Naughty Foursome, it is with a heavy heart that I update that Moksha Gundam, the cute little fellow, with big eyes and bushy hair, is no more. He got bitten by one of the street dogs living at the end of our road. The children were heart broken and cried a bit, but took comfort in the fact that the other 3 kittens - Holmes, SJ and Squeaky - were okay.
These fellows continue to amaze
Play time! |
us - they are absolutely naughty, but completely endearing. They have grown bigger, look halfway between appearing as an over-grown kitten and a young teenager (or whatever a cat in its 'teen' years can be called :-)) Their playfulness continues but it is more structured and a lot more mature. They try and catch small lizards, dragon flies and other insects and once they have caught something, they put on the air of a big hunter, growl at each other and make merry at the expense of their quarry.
We love to climb! |
They have become adept climbers; infact they can be found taking an afternoon nap atop a
sadja, window ledge or cupboard
- firm in the knowledge that no dog can attack them there. They sleep, sleep and sleep all through the day and turn hunters during the night and again later catch some more sleep! Mornings when I open the house door to pick up the milk, I find them lying on the foot-rug or on the car roof; they immediately get up, stretch themselves (their
Adhomukha shwanasana is perfect!) and start demanding their morning food. They are quite vociferous in their pleas, (especially Squeaky) and follow my movements. They know my next point of entry will be the kitchen - they are standing by the kitchen window, meowing like crazy until I give in and feed them.
Window ledges are good for lying down |
The Napping Threesome! |
They love to climb the tree and scamper around the pots and plants. It is such a pleasure to have them around when I am doing a bit of gardening or watering the plants. They come along, watch me patiently for a while, then suddenly scuttle and shoot across my path, pin the broom down with their paws, roll around in the mud, check if its really water in the bucket, clamber up the banana tree or wait hidden near the dead leaves ready to pounce! Their energy levels are astounding!
Pottering around - this is fun. |
They love to be stroked and enjoy a good, gentle scratch of their face and neck - the itchy parts that they cannot reach easily. They also endearingly brush their sides around our ankles, mewing gently to be picked up and given a nice rub. The girls tried giving them a bath in a tub of warm, soapy water but the fellows just hated it! They looked like drenched rats and ran off to lick themselves dry.
Karuppan - a good friend |
Karuppan joining in for a sleepover |
They are now nearly 5 months old; a neighbouring tom cat that we have named 'Karuppan' (he is black in colour) has become their friend. Sometimes he joins them in their play or takes a nap along with them - like a group sleepover!
Jai Mata di! |
Soon, it will be time to have them spayed. (else we will be flooded with more kittens!!) We only hope that they retain their playfulness for some more time.
More pictures of the "kitteens"!
Squeaky waiting for prey |
Hey, I am here too! |
Squeaky made to be the Mom. |
SJ napping on dried leaves |
Holmes in action - the curious fellow
A scooter is also a good place to rest. |
Yes, I am taking a nap - you have a problem with that? |
WHAT!!. Don't drop your tea cup on me. |
Holmes ready to pounce |
Hi there! What's up? |
I am a little tired, please let me take a nap! |
Am not napping, am praying! |
Sudha, nicely written. I have a naughty mezzu at home and compley agree with what you have written.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jyothi! Yes, these fellows are absolutely naughty!
DeleteThanks Jyothi! Yes, these fellows are absolutely naughty!
DeleteWell written..
ReplyDeleteThanks Balu!!